Thursday, October 14, 2010

Totara Springs!!!!

In the holidays I went to Totara Springs kids camp. Me and my friends have been waiting a long time for this . We went on Monday the 27Th of September.

As soon as we got there we rushed out of the Robbie bus. That's the bus name . When we got out we run off and started playing games. First we had to get our bags. Then we went to see our room it was big, not that big but it was nice. Were got to pick where we would sleep. So we made our beds. I was sleeping next’s to my best friend Athena.

After that we went to go and play games. The games that we got to pick was out of shooting ,golfing, bikes and .flying fox. They were all fun but I picked shooting at a target. As soon as I went to where we were going to do our shooting. I saw 2 guns and a man called Andrew standing there. I was shocked and happy at the same time. I was the 2ND one there,but first to shot the gun.

As soon as we finished playing our games, we got told that we were going to the pool hydro-slide. We were so happy. Our group ran to our room and got changed. We ran down to the hydro-slide to be first, but as soon as we got there we had to wait for leaders. So we did. 5 minters later. Ya they are coming. Then the gates opened and we ran down the steps. When the water started running we had to wait about 20 or 30 seconds. Everyone waited and waited. Then she said we could go down. It was a lot of fun. Our group was first in but last out.

After the hydro-slide we all raced to our room to get some dry clothes on. When we finished getting changed, our lunch call came out. We put our shoes on and walked over to the dinning room.

Well we all had a fun time at camp. If you ever get a chance to go to Totara Springs go you will have a lot of fun.

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